Thursday, 24 January 2013


Homework – aarrgggg or yaaayyyyy!!!!

You have heard the whine “I hate homework!! Why do we have to do it??” – And that’s coming from the parents!!
In Grade R and 1 its often fun but that can wear off! So why do it?

Well, it gives parents a glimpse into what the child is learning at school. It also prepares children for real life – having to do things that sometimes you don’t want to do but have to. It may also consolidate what has been taught in the day – extra practice.
No matter the age of your child, he or she will need clear and consistent help with their homework. Your involvement will provide them with encouragement, direction and support.

This involvement lays the foundation in helping your child recognise and realise responsibilities (please don’t say “I’ve been through school – this is your problem now!!”)
Here are some general tips to help you:

  1. Create a relaxed environment at home to do homework – no TV or shrieking music is very beneficial!
  2. Try and keep to a routine and avoid rushing through this time. Help your child get organised by making a homework calendar, especially when there is a project or speech due. This planning and prioritization will stop both you and your child from getting overwhelmed.
  3. Teach your child how to study – quiz them, show them different study methods – be involved. The importance of your attention to them cannot be underestimated.

Some detailed tips for different ages :
Grade 1
  1. Reading – start with sentences and little words – please practise them daily – let your child ‘teach’ you how to form the sentences – they love being in charge!!
  2. Spelling – starts with individual letters in their bank bags – same procedure as above. Try making this time into a game – write on bath tiles with bath crayons – keep individual letters on the fridge to practise with – write with scented kokis!!
  3. Please sign books every day.

Grade 2
  1. Encourage and support your child – don’t do their homework for them.
  2. Read daily – sit with your child and do the reading. Letting your child read to you while you are busy with other things is not really beneficial as he/she could make up some words that aren’t there!!
  3. Plan ahead – a little every day. Don’t leave everything till Thursday – you and your child will be very stressed!
  4. Please check and sign the homework – it shows you are interested and you have a ‘finger on the pulse’ – you can monitor their progress.
  5. Feel free to insist they work neatly!!

Grade 3
  1. Homework is given on a Monday and collected in on Friday.
  2. It must be marked by parents in order for you to keep abreast of the progress of your child.
  3. All tests are to be signed by you and returned to school. Tests will be written neatly.

I have not put in a time that homework should take daily as each child works at their own pace and some put more detail in than others. However, if it is taking ages to complete, please pop in and visit the teacher to discuss it.

Have fun!! Once your routines are laid, your job becomes easier and your child will be well prepared and eventually independent!

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